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Training Articles

TommyBlom ART

Kettlebells for Increased Abilities in Fighting

Aug 04, 2011 01:30 AM

A lot of the time I see people try to mimic different moves in fighting when they want to make a fighting specific program. Trying to mimic certain moves and load them can a lot of the time be counter productive because it makes the move slow and heavy instead of fast and light that is should be, this will make the move worse than it could be if you trained the move by itself and focused the physical training on improving general abilities which will make the trainee an better athlete...

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GaryMusic ART

The Karate Tournament Competitor's Guide to Success : Part TWO

Aug 04, 2011 01:00 AM

In Part One we looked at the relationship between the kettlebell and kata. This time we’ll look at how to structure your training for tournament success. The schedule: You have four workouts performed on separate days; shoot for at least 5 workouts a week, up to six is fine as long as you are not lifting to failure. Give yourself at least one day to rest your mind and body. How you schedule the workouts depends totally on the tournament date...

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0800-Somewhere outside Sneads Ferry, North Carolina

Jul 14, 2011 02:00 PM

Thirty-six athletes stand on a field waiting for their RKC Certification to begin. Next to the field, there’s a gym, filled with lifting platforms, bumper plates, Oly bars, all the normal trappings of a well-appointed training facility.The RKC Team Leaders and their assistants greet each athlete by their first name, not out of familiarity, but simply because no one here shares their last name. Each of these athletes has gone through rigorous selection...

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Memoirs From The Platform

Jul 14, 2011 01:00 PM

Powerlifting is a thankless sport. I’ve learned a lot from my experience, especially in the last few years. I’ve had a little success, set some meet records, had amazing training sessions, set some huge gym PR’s, AND had some great disappointment too. I was lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to lift on the Power To The People Deadlift Team...

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SteveBelanger article

Swing Your Way to a Better Deadlift - Is it Possible?

Jul 14, 2011 12:00 PM

Can the kettlebell swing help improve your deadlift? We will examine this question through a personal first hand account. Here’s the story. In April 2009 my son Jeff let me know he wanted to enter the deadlift only division in the United States Powerlifting Federation’s national championship in early July 2009. I asked him if he was serious since he hadn’t pulled a single deadlift in eight months...​

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INTEGRATION: Powerlifting and Kettlebells, The Perfect Match!

Jul 14, 2011 11:00 AM

When I started Powerlifting, there was so much to learn. The big three lifts to learn were simple, The Squat, The Bench and The Deadlift. There is really nobody that does these lifts correctly when they venture off into the world of lifting weights. I remember I had a poster of Bob Hoffman from York Barbell. It came with the weight set I bought from there. This was 1979! It had about 22 exercises on it and I just followed them all in sequence...

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AndreaDuCane Article

The Safe, Practical - And Highly Effective - Way to Give Your "Kettlebell Boomer” Clients the Golden Body of Their Dreams

Jun 21, 2011 03:00 PM

There are an estimated 77.3 million “Baby Boomers” in the United States. Ranging from middle age to early retirement. Of this group most are still in the work force and earning good money. Some are beginning to retire with fairly secure incomes. Because of the G.I. Bill and the increased interest in higher education, a record number of this generation attended college and attained college and post-graduate degrees. Recent health studies have shown that in general...

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ColeSummers article

Some Thoughts From a Kettlebell Boomer

Jun 21, 2011 02:00 PM

Isn't "Why would you want to be strong and healthy after you turn fifty?" the same as "Why would you want to be happy after you turn fifty?" – Sean Schniederjan. For several decades I've been a strength and conditioning coach in many disciplines. For the last few years I've focused on trying to become a very good Hardstyle RKC kettlebell coach. During the day I train high school students. In the evenings and weekends I train adults of all ages, in RKC principles. My students vary greatly in...

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AndrewRead ART

The Ten Dollar Spend

Jun 21, 2011 01:00 PM

My name is Andrew Read and I am a training ADDICT… I have at various times trained: while concussed; with eighteen stitches in my right knee and no skin on one hand; while on crutches and most recently while barely able to walk due to pain in my hips from inflaming an old injury. Somehow my body has held itself together despite all the years of torment and torture and still works reasonably, although my FMS score can range from a thirteen to an eighteen depending on the day.

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Geoff article

Maximizing Tension For A Bigger Press

Jun 09, 2011 03:00 PM

The Press used to be the standard for upper body strength. It was contested in the sport of Weightlifting until 1972 until it became too hard to judge. Eventually, it just looked like a standing Bench Press. But if you accept the old standard of the Press - keeping the torso vertical without a backbend, and you spend some time on it, you’ll find newfound upper body strength. In fact, years ago I found that if I pushed my Press strength up, my shoulders felt better for the Bench Press.

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