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Training Articles

al upsidedown

On the Progressive Calisthenics Certification (PCC)

Jan 04, 2013 09:12 PM

In 2001 Dragon Door launched the RKC—the ultimate kettlebell certification. It quickly went on to become the definitive kettlebell certification, worldwide. In 2013 Dragon Door launches the definitive bodyweight certification. Enquiring minds want to know some things about this revolutionary project—dubbed the Progressive Calisthenics Certification (PCC). In the days since John Du Cane announced the cert, I have been deluged with questions from my Convict Conditioning students. Here are some...

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Elite Law Enforcement Adds Kettlebells to Their Arsenal

Dec 07, 2012 10:30 PM

Ever since I was a kid I have been obsessed with law enforcement. I was a kid hooked on Columbo, Mod Squad and The Rookies. For my 12th birthday, I got my first fingerprint kit. It didn’t take long before every solid surface in the house was covered in black or white powder and sticky tape marks. All I wanted when I grew up was to be a cop. A detour in high school along with some bad decisions put that dream to rest. In December of this year...

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How To Deadlift Like A Champion

Nov 16, 2012 10:48 PM

The deadlift is the king of all strength exercises. Other barbell lifts are great too – the Olympic lifts, the squat, the bench press, the military press – they all have tremendous benefit. But for pure strength – the deadlift is king. It works the entire body from head-to-toe… The glutes, hamstrings and lower back work hard, as do the upper back and the grip. If you’re a powerlifter, the deadlift is where the meet is won and lost. If you’re a strongman, you need a good deadlift; otherwise...

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MarkReifkind article image

The Toughest Ab Exercise You’ve Never Done

Aug 10, 2012 09:40 PM

It’s a completely different thing when you’re talking about ab work that translates into 500 pound squats and deadlifts and ab work that makes you feel confident at the beach or the pool party. Very few know how critical really abs and obliques are in very heavy power and Olympic lifts, until they do them. Try squatting max efforts with weak abs and you’ll find yourself getting bent over like a melted cheese sandwich. The same with deadlifts. The abs and front panel must be seriously...

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BrettJones article shoulderpacking

Shoulder Packing 101

Aug 10, 2012 09:05 PM

As one of the most mobile joints in the body, the shoulder can also be one of the most complicated to understand and work with. To paraphrase a comic book line: “With great mobility comes great complexity.” With this complexity and mobility also comes injury potential and the need to properly coordinate this amazing set of structures. There are four different joint structures that influence the should...​

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AndrewRead Article closingthegap

Closing the Gap

Aug 10, 2012 09:00 PM

In fighting there is often talk of “distance” or “bridging the gap”. What many don’t realize is that the concept of creating space, or removing it, from your opponent is also found in strength training and can be used to instantly increase your strength and power in certain situations. One of the core concepts of the RKC School of Strength is the manipulation of space within your body to create tension. When you remove gaps in the chain of movement, and tighten the space within your body...

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AndreaChang article1

The Stable Core Platform: or HKC 101

Jun 13, 2012 09:30 PM

Since the very first Hardstyle Kettlebell Instructor Certification (HKC) in St. Paul 2009, there have been many, many HKC certifications taught throughout the states, and overseas. Lucky enough to have been invited to assist at the very first HKC, and working as an instructor team with Master RKCs Brett Jones, Geoff Neupert and Mark Reifkind, and Senior RKCs Zar Horton, Doug Nepodal, Fabio Zonin, and Dr. Michael Hartle, at my own studio, Kettlebility, and other locations around the states...

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LaurenBrooks article

A Simple Guide To Designing a Workout for Kettlebell Instructors

Jun 13, 2012 04:50 PM

You’ve trained hard. You’ve completed the grueling three-day weekend of the RKC or the full day of the HKC. Congratulations, you are now officially certified! You have proved that you can execute the basic kettlebell exercises with safe and correct form. You have proved that you understand the concepts and can relay them to a novice. You have proved that you are tough and can withstand challenges. You have developed the strength and conditioning needed to pass the certification process...

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MarkWechter article

Bringing Hardstyle to the Grid Iron

Jun 13, 2012 04:02 PM

Before I elaborate on what we are doing with our football program at Washington Township High School, I think it is important for you to know how we got to this point…the RKC Hardstyle way of training. We are the largest high school in Southern New Jersey. We have been very good year in and year out for the last 25 years...

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JeffoConnor article

Which is better: Olympic or Power Lifting? The Answer is “Yes”…

May 23, 2012 07:30 PM

Which is better for you? Well, are you an Olympic or Power Lifter? What if the answer is “neither”? What if you’re one of the thousands of regular people, operators, or athletes that isn’t a platform athlete? You know that powerlifting stands alone in developing the ability to generate absolute strength. You’re also aware that Olympic lifting develops power and explosiveness like nothing else...​

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